No, we can't learn ANY of that from ancient sources. Because the ancient sources that you provide in your references
A.) Didn't know Jesus.
B.) Weren't contemporaries of Jesus (all were born after Jesus supposed cruxifiction)
C.) None of them knew anyone who knew Jesus.
D.) And the sources for their information comes from Christians over sixty years after Jesus died.
What you're claiming is equivalant to future historians from the year 4000 saying that a reference from a present day day figure - who in turn is citing one the nuts from Ancient Aliens - proves that aliens actually landed at Roswell. Using sources, who themselves are getting their information from third hand biased accounts, written decades after a supposed event, is NOT a credible source.
The writer of your link, J Warner Wallace, is not a historian nor is he a textual critic. He has a degree in Architecture and his book in NOT peer reviewed. In other words, he has no academic credibility in this field and his work has not been checked. It's always good to get information from a wide range of sources but when your reading online be sure to always CHECK SOURCES!
Thallus, Tacitus, Mara Bar-Serapion, Phlegon, Pliny the Younger, etc, are not capable of supporting the claims that you are making becuase none of them were contemporariers of Jesus and their sources are all from unknown third hand accounts.